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Spotlight - Suters House Journal

In the 1960s Suters introduced a house journal - Spotlight for members of staff past and present to contribute articles, jokes, recipes and the company could provide details of births, marriagges, deaths, news about company objectives, promotions, departmental figures, staff training courses and a great deal more. It is rather like looking at an extended family working with the Suters family and gives another insight into Suters Ltd in the late 1960s to early 1970s.

This edition in the photo above covers the period till December 1974. Unfortunately no further issues of Spotlight have been discovered from 1975 to 1978. We have copied some of these pages and included them in this website at appropriate locations as PDFs and also listed them on this page.

It was discovered in Robert Suter's archives in July 2018. You will see how formal contributors names are, with the first name hardly ever being used. As with many family businesses where several members of a family involved they were known as Mr David etc and the wives known as Mrs David etc. There were no pictures apart from cartoons as reproduction in that era was done on a "mimeo" type stencil duplicator / mimeograph machine.

As this is quite a thick bound volume it was not easy to scan, so the only way was to take a photo of the appropriate section and convert to a PDF or attempt to scan it. Click on the links below to go to PDF many of the articles have been re-typed and are marked accordingly and usually the original incorporated into the PDF below them.


Dick (Richard) Suter returns to Suters - and Gerry Goodchild joins Suters - December 1968

News From Salon Bruno 1968/69

Suters Pensions and Staff Promotions - January / February 1969

(See also Suters Pension Scheme)

Middle Management Training Course - January / February 1969

Obituary of Vera Suter (wife of Frank Suter) who passed away on the 12th March 1969

(See also Frank Suter Page)

Ian Suter leaving Suter Ltd to Start Ian Suter Fashions in Marlow - June 1969

(See also After the sale of Suters, what happened to various family members involved with the company)

ISA -Independent Stores Association Conference report by Tom Suter 1969 (it does not open as PDF but normal web page)

Meet the General - ISA Independent Stores Association July 1969

Colin Kershaw's "Crosswork" July 1969 and Answers to Kershaw's "Crosswork" August 1969

Traffic Lights Club Dinah Wortham

Traffic Light Boutique, Uxbridge - August 1969

Fashion rave-up with Mary Quant Cosmetics - August 1969

Staff Security Problem - September 1969

Obituary Mr R Sheath - September 1969

Battle of Britain Film and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang October 1969

A Touch of the Beetons - Menu for 4 People October 1969

Scandinavia at Suters 25th September - 18th October 1969

Scandinvian Observations after promotion 25th September - 18th October 1969

(See also Scandinavia at Suters)

The Top 6 Departmental Sales Figures increase Period 3 October 1969 - November 1969

Customer Complaints - November 1969

December 1969 Christmas Bonus

End of the Half Crown coin and a Christmas cartoon wish - December 1969

Seen and Heard - Traffic Lights Boutique - January 1970

Late night shopping for Christmas report in January 1970

Name Town Centre and Win £25 - January 1970

Despatch and entertainment news

Irish Promotion - April 1970

(See special Tirol Restaurant Irish menu and ad from 1970)

Roberts Marine Mansion - Worthing - April & May 1970

April / May 1970 edition of Spotlight there was a two and half page article by E.L. Grove, Lift Attendant, Uxbridge - Spotlight on Suters. As it has been difficult to reproduce this via scanning because of the bound book it is has been copied on to separate page on this site and not as a PDF

Training News - June 1970

Death of Mr. R. Giles - June 1970

My Journey to littala in Finland F.W. Tomlin - June 1970

(See also Scandinavia at Suters)

Service to Suters - July 1970

50 Years of Suters Promotion - September 1970

Staff Training September 1970

Gold watch presentation to Mr Archie Taylor - September 1970

Thank you note from Mr Archie Taylor - October 1970

(See also Removal and Storage Service at Suters)

Christmas 1970 - November/December 1970

Dick (Richard) Suter wedding announcement to Ginny January 1971

Appreciation Mr R Buggins - January 1971

Thank you from Mr J L Plumtree February /March 1971

The Top 10 Departmental Sales Figures increase February 1971 - April / May 1971

Several staff retirements - April / May 1971

Improvements to front of Uxbridge store June / July 1971

Department figure increases August 1971

Was it the Heatwave? - August/September 1971

New exclusive ladies fashion department being created at Slough - October 1971

The Salon Saga - Choosing a name for the new "upmarket" fashion department (The Chiltern Room) at Slough in November 1971

Obituary - Mr. F.W. Tomin - December 1971

The Late Mr Tomlin - December 1971

Christmas 1971 - December 1971

Recipe from staff member Mrs I Hogben for Toffee Krispies January / February 1972

Role of the Department Manager at Suters January / February 1972

Obituary to Arthur Suter by Frank Suter Edition 31, March / April 1972

Obituary to Arthur Suter by Hilda Browne Edition 31, March / April 1972

Birth announcement of Russ Suter son of Anita and Robert Suter March / April 1972

(See also Arthur Suter Page)

Thanks for Save The Children donation and scene from 1953 in the Household line department at Uxbridge

Friendliness is a place called Suters September/October 1972

Presentation of award for 25 years service to Mr K.L. Firch - September / October 1972

Happy ocassions and Uxbridge coffee bar gossip, November / December 1972

Christmas 1972 - November / December 1972

Decimalising (going metric) - November/December 1972

Service with a Smile - November/December 1972

Presentation Miss Hilda Browne - January 1973

The Suters Pie (not a cooking recipe) The Customer's £1.00 and the Suters Pie - January / February 1973

Out of Town - Uxbridge Staff Dinner & Dance January 1973

Comments from Uxbridge Store January / February 1973

Appreciation from Polish Colleague

Store Chat plus +

I.S.A. Buying Trip, Knitwear Fair, Bologna, Italy February 1973

Retirement of Mr Ron Buggins February 1973

Mrs Joan Bundy 25 years of service at Suters Ltd - March / April/May 1973

Obituary Mrs Joan Smith - August / September 1973

Retirement - Mr. D. C. Walter - August/September 1973

The Cottage Homes August / September 1973

Retirement of Mrs Berry December 1973

Christmas 1973 - Special Note - December 1973

Weddings of Miss Eileen Jones and Mr Victor Vickery and Philip and Gráinne Suter - May 1974

Births and a wedding (including Pascale, 2nd daughter of Ginny and Dick Suter) - July 1974

Thank you for visiting the Suters Spotlight House Journal Page


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Source of images, unless otherwise stated - Suter family archives


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