Promotional advertising brochures from Suters Ltd in the 1960s (1) ____________________________________________________________________ In the early 1960s when Suters in Slough had been re-built, a series of promotional brochures were designed to attract customers. Dick Suter in conjunction with ISP in High Wycombe produced the earlier ones. store-gazing at Suters was a major theme of these brochures and the advertising campaigns. Two artists Colin Hayward and Fred Dean were also involved with design work and advertising at that time. Initially for the Slough store only, but a similar brochure was later prepared for the Uxbridge one as well.Prices are shown in pounds, shillings and pence and of course to illustrate more expensive merchandise in guineas (gns). ____________________________________________________________________ Brochure Page 1 | Brochure Page 2 | Brochure Page 3 | Brochure Page 4 | Brochure Page 5 | Brochure Page 6 | Brochure Page 7 Autumn first Suters brochure
____________________________________________________________________ Suters marketing brochures from the 1960s Brochure Page 1 | Brochure Page 2 | Brochure Page 3 | Brochure Page 4 | Brochure Page 5 | Brochure Page 6 | Brochure Page 7 | Brochure Page 8 | Brochure Page 9 | Brochure Page 10 - Suters of Slough Store guide from 1962 Caring for your clothes - Suters guide on looking after clothing Contract Furnishing Service at Suters Salôn Bruno Price Lists at Suters of Slough Suters of Slough Store Guide 1962 The Tirol Restaurant at Suters of Slough Menus Accounts for Customers - Leaflets here Suters 50 years Anniversary 10 page supplement advertisements in the Slough Evening Mail Suters Christmas Mail - special eight page edition in the Evening Mail December 1970 ____________________________________________________________________ Source of images, unless otherwise stated - Suter family archives |